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Subscription lessons

As of July 2024, our library has over 900 lessons across all levels, and is still growing. We release two new lessons every week.

For complete access to the entire library, subscribe here.

Try our free sample lessons here.

E043 – Give me the remote!

3 Reviews

High Elementary

Two siblings, one TV remote: let the battle begin!

E048 – Playing hide and seek

3 Reviews

High Elementary

A world-weary child does a vanishing trick.

E049 – How to ride a motorbike

11 Reviews

High Elementary

Take a driving lesson from a drunk guy, in our most socially irresponsible lesson yet.

E050 – Do you want to buy a watch?

6 Reviews

Low Elementary

Are these watches fake? Only time will tell…

E051 – Be honest!

3 Reviews

High Elementary

To be honest or not to be honest? That is the question.

E052 – Perfect attendance

4 Reviews

High Elementary

Tomorrow is a big day. Let’s ruin it!