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Subscription lessons

As of July 2024, our library has over 900 lessons across all levels, and is still growing. We release two new lessons every week.

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E017 – Freedom

5 Reviews

Low Elementary

A wage slave breaks his chains… So why the tears?

E016 – I can’t find my phone

4 Reviews

Low Elementary

Phone nowhere to be seen? Could it have slipped into another dimension….? No.

E047 – The new smile

3 Reviews

High Elementary

Thanh has a beautiful new smile — but nothing to smile about…

E046 – Speed dating

5 Reviews

High Elementary

Let’s see how many girls Minh can fail to impress in one evening. Three… two… one… Go!

E045 – At the kindergarten

18 Reviews

High Elementary

You say my son was a little angel at kindergarten today? Something’s not right…

E044 – Quit smoking

13 Reviews

Low Elementary

If chocolate can cure a smoking habit, what can cure a chocolate habit?