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High Intermediate

These Intermediate lessons are not designed to be studied in a particular order. If you wish, you may start from lesson 1 and proceed from there. Or you may wish to study the most recent lessons. But you may also pick and choose by browsing through the lessons. You may also use the search function to find lessons which touch on topics relevant to your needs and interests.

Depending on your stage of learning, you may find it useful to switch between Intermediate and Elementary lessons. We suggest you experiment and find out which approach is most useful for you.

I363 - The benefits of home-schooling

3 Reviews

High Intermediate

Home-schooling rationale from the Vietnamese perspective

I361 - The low taste diet

2 Reviews

High Intermediate

How certain diets can drive people to donuts.

I359 - Rules are rules

2 Reviews

High Intermediate

Get off the grass.

I358 - Thinking about Singles Day

2 Reviews

High Intermediate

Exposing the psychology of bargain hunters.

I356 - Not in the mood to do something [Authentic clip]

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Do it anyway.

I355 - Cold countries vs hot countries

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Complaints emanating from people relaxing on hammocks will be ignored.