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High Intermediate

These Intermediate lessons are not designed to be studied in a particular order. If you wish, you may start from lesson 1 and proceed from there. Or you may wish to study the most recent lessons. But you may also pick and choose by browsing through the lessons. You may also use the search function to find lessons which touch on topics relevant to your needs and interests.

Depending on your stage of learning, you may find it useful to switch between Intermediate and Elementary lessons. We suggest you experiment and find out which approach is most useful for you.

I149 - Nose job

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

What women want.

I147 - Paper bags or plastic bags?

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Who knew that saving the planet could be so complicated.

I140 - Projecting your own behaviour onto others

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Everyone else is just as bad as you.

I138 - Chạy trường

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

You want your child to go the best school in town? You'll need some caffeine, some bribery money, and some ethical flexibility.

I136- Street knight

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Are the good guys as bad as the bad guys?

I134 - Facebook knows everything about you

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

They are watching you.