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As of July 2024, our library has over 900 lessons across all levels, and is still growing. We release two new lessons every week.

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E061 – Crossing the street

9 Reviews

High Elementary

Ever heard the saying “I would cross a Saigon street for her”? Neither have we. It’s good, though, isn’t it?

E060 – A gripping book

3 Reviews

High Elementary

Everyone hates spoilers, so we’re not going to tell you anything about this dialogue.

E059 – The flooded road

4 Reviews

High Elementary

Riding a bike around Saigon during rainy season? Don’t forget your snorkel.

E058 – Look! That’s Hoai Linh!

5 Reviews

High Elementary

Thank God for celebrities, who lend meaning and purpose to our lives!

E067 – The rain makes me sad

3 Reviews

High Elementary

The rain may make you sad, but only a sibling can make you this angry.

E066 – The portrait

3 Reviews

High Elementary

Don’t be upset, but this is actually what you look like.