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Subscription lessons

As of August 2021, our library has over 600 lessons across all levels, and is still growing. We release two new lessons every week.

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I069 - In a dilemma

4 Reviews

High Intermediate

Inside each of us, a devil and an angel are fighting… or is that just indigestion? Anyway, listen to today’s lesson and find out whether you are a good citizen or a ruthless sociopath.

I068 - Having a child

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Children are the most precious of gifts! But boy, can they get on your nerves.

I067 - Climbing the balcony to get into the house

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

What do you do when your wife locks you out of the house? This guy has a solution. Tom Cruise would be proud.

I066 - Exchanging money

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Learn how to launder stolen money. In Vietnamese! (Non-criminals may also learn something useful.)

I065 - The haunted house

1 Reviews

Low Intermediate

This house comes fully furnished with flat-screen television, newly-installed air-conditioning and the restless spirit of the previous owner.

I064 - The disciplinary meeting

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Accusations and counter-accusations. Attack and defense. Welcome to the world of disciplinary meetings!