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Subscription lessons

As of July 2024, our library has over 900 lessons across all levels, and is still growing. We release two new lessons every week.

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E099 - Grab

5 Reviews

Low Elementary

Never stand in the rain waiting for a taxi again. Grab is here!

I098 - Hanoi 2030

3 Reviews

High Intermediate

Have you ever wondered what Hanoi will be like in the year 2030? Neither have we!

E098 - What's the wifi password?

3 Reviews

High Elementary

It would save a lot of trouble if everyone just used the same Wifi password.

E097 - Where shall we meet?

3 Reviews

High Elementary

Saigon has about 8 billion coffee shops. Which one shall we choose?

I097 - The bookworm

1 Reviews

High Intermediate

Books don’t make you smarter if you don’t read them.

E096 - Say you love me

4 Reviews

Low Elementary

Some things are worth repeating.